20th Annual Tournament & Festival of Football – 2019
Wickersley Youth Junior Football Club is pleased to invite your club to take part in our annual Junior Football Tournament and Festival of Football to be held over the weekend 13th July and 14th of July 2019.
The weekend will be a celebration of football for both boys and girls teams and also a great family day out.
Following on from the great success of our last few 9v9 Tournaments, we are proud to be able to offer a competition for those age groups playing 11v11 every week and for the teams moving up to 11v11 next season. This will be a great opportunity to introduce your players to the new format of football and to try out your formation options. Every age group will now play the formats as specified by The FA. We are one of only a handful of clubs to be running this format of Tournament so book early to guarantee your place.
The U7 boys age group is aimed at introducing next season’s U7 teams to organised/structured football to give them a head start when next season begins! Please note, to be eligible, players must attain 6 years of age by 31st August 2019. Proof of age will be required to satisfy FA regulations.
Please note, this is a Pre-Season Tournament, to which Season 2019/2020 age groups will apply.
Saturday 13th July
U11, U12 Boys/Mixed & U12, U13 Girls, 9v9 Competition
NEW – U13, U14 Boys/Mixed & U14 Girls, 11v11 Competition
Sunday 14th July
U7, U8, U9, U10 Boys/ Mixed & U9, U10, U11 Girls
Wickersley School & Sports College, Bawtry Road, Wickersley, Rotherham. S66 1JL
Time Registration by 9.00am. Managers Brief 9.10am. Matches Start 9.30am prompt. Approx. finish time will be notified nearer the event.
Format U11, U12 Boys / U12, U13 Girls 9v9 (Max 14 Player Squad)
NEW –U13, U14 Boys & U14 Girls 11v11 (Max 16 Player Squad)
U7 & U8 Boys / U9 Girls 5v5 (Max 8 Player Squad)
U9 & U10 Boys / U10 & U11Girls 7v7 (Max 10 Player Squad)
Cost U7 – U12 Boys / U9 – U13 Girls £25 per team or £45 for two teams in same age group
U13, U14 Boys & U14 Girls (11v11) £30 per team
Trophies for Winner and Runner-Up at each age group. (Medals for U7, U8 boys and U9 Girls).
Please note that entry forms will only be accepted from bona fide Clubs affiliated to their relevant F.A. and NOT Academy, School of Excellence or Representative sides. With the exception of the U7’s, all players should have been registered with their clubs and appropriate league at each age group in season 2018-2019. New players intending to sign for the club in the coming season will be permitted.
Wickersley Youth JFC, reserve the right to refuse entry to any team or club.
Completed entry forms and the appropriate fee, (cheques made payable to Wickersley Youth J.F.C.) should be sent to: – Tournament Registrar. 1, The Copse, Bramley, Rotherham. S66 3TB, no later than Friday 21st June 2019. Any queries please contact Chris Glossop on 07533 082480.
Completed entries, or any queries can be e-mailed to:- wickersleyfootballtournament@yahoo.co.uk Cheques can be posted separately. Entries will only be confirmed on receipt of payment.
As places are limited, clubs are encouraged to enter early to avoid disappointment. Priority will be given to teams entering 2 sides.
All teams will be notified of entry acceptance, directions, plus full tournament rules and timings by Monday 1st July 2019. Event Programmes detailing Fixtures and Timetables will be available on the day. All participating team managers will be provided with a programme on registration.
We regret that once your entry and fee has been accepted, no monies can be refunded.
Please forward all entry forms and fees to us as soon as possible and no later than Friday 21st June 2019, in order that we are able to finalise the tournament.
Yours in sport,
Chris Glossop WYJFC Tournament Registrar
You can download the entry form here: ENTRY FORM